Hello 4-H Horse Families,
Please join us next week on Thursday, September 19th @ 6:30pm via Zoom for our annual Horse Advisory Committee meeting.
We need your help! We are a volunteer run committee who helps plan, run all the shows for Pinal County. If you would like to be on the committee come to this meeting.
Here is what we will have on the adgenda:
Elect new officers: President, Vice President, Secreatary, Treasurer, Members at large, and youth represenstatives. (Executive Officers must be a certifed leader)
Discuss if there are any rule changes that need to be submitted.
Come with dates and possible locations for 2-3 horse shows, and 1-2 sorting dates for events for our horse members,
If you have resources for clinics, come with your ideas!
We want to make this a succussful year for our horse members but we cannot do it without the help of our amazing volunteers!
Here is a link to the Zoom: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84369596600