Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Arizona National 4-H & FFA Horse Show - Entries are open

Showing horses is a lifestyle, and what better way to encourage it than by showing at the Arizona National 4-H & FFA Horse Show? Youth from across Arizona compete with others who share their same passion. By participating, exhibitors are eligible to apply for scholarships from the Arizona National Livestock Show!
Did you know that the Arizona National is the oldest horse show operated by a livestock organization?
Show Specifics
  • The show begins January 5th at the renowned WestWorld facilities in Scottsdale. Come show like the pros!
  • Classes adhere to the and are split into junior and senior divisions
Judging Contest
In addition to the show, a horse judging competition attracts 4-H and FFA teams, alike, to hone equine evaluation skills. The Arizona National Livestock Show equine judging competition provides youth competitors with the opportunity to judge high quality horses from its own Quarter Horse Show, while also exposing them to demonstration and learning from horse show industry professionals in competition.
The horse judging contest gives 4-H and FFA members an opportunity to judge a wide variety of classes and further expand their judging experience.
Entry Deadline: December 10
Competition Dates: January 5–7, 2018
4-H & FFA Horse Show Entry Fee:
$10 / Class or $15 / Roping + $15 Exhibitor Fee
4-H & FFA Horse Show Division Awards:
High Point Individuals: Buckle + Special Prize
Reserve High Point Individuals: Buckle
Judging Entry Fee:
$10 / Team or $5 / Individual
Judging Contest Awards:
High Point Individual: $200 + a Buckle
Reserve High Point Individual: Buckle

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Urgent: Confirmed Sorting Show Opportunity! 10.14.17 and Western 10.22.17

We have been confirmed as invitees to the Maricopa County Ranch Sorting Show on 10.14.17 at Rockn A. Please see the link below:

October 14 2017 Maricopa County Ranch Sorting
*You must call Jane Scott to RSVP by this Friday, October 6!

We also have an open invite for their upcoming Western Show if you are interested! Might be good practice before state.

October 22 2017 Maricopa County Western Show

Happy Showing!