Friday, October 30, 2020

Virtual AZ State 4-H Horse Show

 The entries for this year's Virtual AZ State 4-H Horse Show will be open for submitting entries from 11/12-30/2020 and run through the American Paint Horse Association.

This webinar will present important information and then open up for questions regarding the event, format, requirements, etc.
It will be recorded and available if you miss it live...
REGISTER and join us:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Nov 5, 2020 06:00 PM Arizona
Topic: AZ 4-H State Virtual Horse Show Information and Q/A Session

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Invitation to 1st Horse Show and Skill a thon

Invitation to the 1st Pointed Horse Show

2021 Pinal County 4-H Horse Show and skillathon #1

When:                         Saturday, January 23, 2021
Where:                       Thunderbird Farms Arena  12365 N. Ralston Rd, Maricopa, AZ 85139
Registration:              8am- 8:30am  
Show Start:                9am 

Pre-Registration Due: Horse Registration Online:  Tuesday, December 1, 2020 by 5pm via Google Form 
  Online registration You will receive an email verification that form was received. 

Please be sure to register for the appropriate skill level (beginner, intermediate, Adv Jr, Adv Sr) for each discipline (English, Western, or Gymkhana) and for skill a thon. Horse leaders should be able to help you with this. 

Annual Form Submission: 
Form submission here  due by 12/16  Horse ID Cards, Adult Code of Conduct, Horse program code of conduct. 

Horse Show Fees:  
  • $5.00 - per class fee  
  • $15 - late fee for any registration received after Tuesday, December 1st after 5pm
  • $20 - arena fee per exhibitor
  • $5.00 - skillathon fee

Sponsorship Packets —  all participating horse members are required to obtain a minimum of $100 in sponsorship to be eligible for year end awards/buckles and $25 for each additional discipline
  • Submit forms to:  Sponsorship forms are to be sent to @ email (
  • Submit ad artwork to: by December 1st, 2020
  • Sponsorship funds are to be sent to Amy Dillard, HAC treasurer by 12/1/2020
To continue our success, we want to remind all families that 4-H is run by all families and your help is required at every show according to the rule book.  Sign ups are available here. Every volunteer has to be cleared through the 4-H office, please sign up early!  No on site volunteer sign ups are allowed. 

Hope to see everyone there!
Horse Advisory Committee

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Arizona Nationals- Youth Horse Show , Judging, and Skillathon - Registration

 You will find all the information under the Events tab on the Events tab

 Arizona Nationals 4-H Open Show @ Westworld  January 1, 2, and 3, 2021

 Deadline to enter is :  please visit website for dates

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Update on AZ State 4-H Horse Show

 Virtual 2020 Arizona State 4-H Horse Show

4H Horse Show Awards

The State 4-H Horse Show will be going virtual this year

Arizona 4-H is partnering with the American Paint Horse Association to host our virtual State 4-H Horse show

Entries open November 12, 7am MST, and will close November 30, 2020 at 4pm MST

Show Information:
  • The 2020 State 4-H Horse Show will follow AZ 4-H State Show Rules
  • Horses must be enrolled as a project horse
  • Youth must meet their club/county guidelines to qualify to show
  • Classes offered will include horse/human classes that are usually available
  • Carded judges will judge the show.
Waived for 2020:
  • Requirement to qualify
  • County entry numbers will not be limited

Registration will be available in ZingBooks 4-H Enrollment management system starting Nov 12th


Friday, October 2, 2020

Register for the new 4-H year today!!


It is that time again for the annual registration for the new 4-H year. The new year started 10/01/2020. You will need to log in to the new system to take care of that. 

ZingBook Resources can be found here   This is where you will go log in and sign up!!! The annual fee will be collected there. 

Please register as soon as possible!