Tuesday, October 18, 2022

10/17/22 Meeting


Thanks to everyone that came and if you missed it...

After a rocky start our meeting officially started at 6:19 p.m.  There was a roll call.

The treasurer report recorded the current balance in both the checking and savings accounts. Amy noted that there is a check for $500 to cover Country Kickers returning members sponsorship's that has not been deposited.

We visited old business asking Amy D if she would continue with Square.  She stated that she had already posted the link online for sponsorship donations. Amy D reminded everyone that additional sponsorship money meant we could improve our current lineup of events or add additional different events and end of the year awards.  Next up was a discussion regarding the helmet rule adjustment made at the previous meeting.  It was discussed that the State rules regarding helmets differed from what we had decided previously.  Katherine motioned that we let the rule stand as is.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 

Both Amy's went to the state show.  They were asked what the learned from the experience.  Amy G said "I learned how NOT to treat volunteers" and with that we discussed how to better aid our volunteers in the future.  We could also have a volunteer training during the clinic on 11/13.  We discussed how to ensure the volunteer expectations are known including a digital worksheet sent out before events and having laminated information available onsite.  

Any additional old business - no

New Business

Make sure everyone is signed up on Zingbooks and in good standing with 4H. All forms must be up to date including code of conduct form, horse ID and sponsorship forms.  In keeping with other counties we have decided to create a Google form where we store ID's along with a side view of the horses to better identify horse accuracy. The motion was made and unanimously voted yes.  We need to update the current list of volunteers on Google docs to better recognize our volunteers.  Volunteer approval is for 3 months. We then went over the show dates including events held by Maricopa County.  We decided that the clinic on 11/13 will be from 9-4 with the option to end early if the kids get tired.  It was voted unanimously. Amy D will add the registration link on Square.  We need our risk management plan for events planned per location.  The risk management plan needs to include what to do in an emergency and nearest hospital.  Will be created this week.  We went over necessary equipment to host the shows including barrels, cones, logs, rakes and trail equipment.  Bring then on 11/13 for the January show.  Amy D asked if we wanted to offer ranch riding and ranch trail.  If we choose to do so we should limit what classes are offered at each show eg. goat tying at the first show, ranch riding at the second, reining at the next... More information regarding ranch riding can be located on the state horse show page.  We discussed where warm up riding will be at the Pinal Co. Fairgrounds.  We could divide the arena or use other livestock areas.  

We decided that for goat tying we will offer a beginner version that will be with a ribbon for beginners who are not going to qualify for state. Country Kickers has a membership if approximately 13, Dust Devils have 3 and the Trailblazers are approximately 7. Amy G confirmed a horse membership of 21.  After a discussion regarding the shows that Maricopa County is hosting we decided that only Pinal County members can qualify for end of the year awards.  Any competition held outside of the registered county would only qualify the rider for the state horse show. The motion requested and voted unanimously. It was requested that each leader confirm email addresses with their group. We discussed the judging that will be held in Scottsdale in February.  More information will be provided at a later date. We will be going over Skill-a-thon in November to prepare for the first competition in January.  Alex requested that there be more scientific information included this year. Groom squad was discussed and decided to wait for now. Esther would like more horseless options to keep horseless members included.  Possibly in event production and they could audit the clinic. They should register for all skill-a-thon classes in the future. 

Victor noted that it is encouraging hearing everyone working together. He has ordered flags to use at our events.  He used funds from a community donor. We will provide a thank you letter from the kids.

Next meeting 11/21/22 @ 6 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 by Amy D and Alex