Virtual 2020 Arizona State 4-H Horse Show
The State 4-H Horse Show will be going virtual this year
Arizona 4-H is partnering with the American Paint Horse Association to host our virtual State 4-H Horse show
Entries open November 12, 7am MST, and will close November 30, 2020 at 4pm MST
Show Information:
- The 2020 State 4-H Horse Show will follow AZ 4-H State Show Rules
- Horses must be enrolled as a project horse
- Youth must meet their club/county guidelines to qualify to show
- Classes offered will include horse/human classes that are usually available
- Carded judges will judge the show.
Waived for 2020:
- Requirement to qualify
- County entry numbers will not be limited
Registration will be available in ZingBooks 4-H Enrollment management system starting Nov 12th