Tuesday, September 22, 2020

January 23 2021- 1st Pointed Horse Show- SIGN UP HERE

 We are so excited to get planning this new season! We have a tentative date for our first show!

It will be January 23, 2021 at Thunderbird Farms Arena in Maricopa!  

In order to prepare for the show here is what we need from our 4-H Horse Families:

1. Register in https://4h.zsuite.org/. This is the new online system. When enrolling each youth member please be sure to select the horse project. You will pay the annual enrollment fee in Zingbooks. 

2. Print your sponsorship packet and start rounding up your sponsors/fee. Fill out paperwork and submit/mail to Amy Dillard, the treasurer. Contact your horse leader for her number and please communicate with her that you are sending it. The packet can be found HERE. Sponsorships are due from all horse members, and is required for year end awards. Deadline to submit sponsorships are 12/1/2020.

3. Pre-Register for the 1st horse show HERE. Deadline to pre-register is 12/1/2020. Payment will be collected at the show. 

4. Annual required horse show forms can be filled out here  CLICK HERE. Must be submitted by 12/16/2020.

If it anytime you have questions please feel free to email us at pinalcounty4hhorse@gmail.com. 

We are looking forward to a great year!!

Pinal County Horse Advisory Committee