Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 situation and the suspension of in-person 4-H programming, our 4th Horse Show is cancelled. We are working toward an alternative for an end of the year awards presentation. Details will follow after our April 8th conference call. Should you have ANY suggestions, PLEASE email them to pinalcounty4hhorse@gmail.com. We want to hear any and all ideas - don't assume we have already heard your idea!
If you have not submitted your sponsorships for year-end awards, please mail $150 payment (postmarked) by April 25th to:
Amy Dillard
164 S. Sixshooter Rd
Apache Junction, AZ 85119
Wishing your family health and strength during this challenging time. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered and made this 4-H Horse Project year such a rewarding and educational experience for kids.
Pinal County 4-H Horse Advisory Committee