Hi all, that time again,
We MUST have pre-registration by Friday 4/7 in order to confirm the event.
Pre-Registration Due: Friday, April 7th, 2017 5pm @ Fax to 206-256-3914, email( kerry.officer@gmail.com )
Leaders please share with your club. Dont forget the whole season dates and schedule located here http://pinalhorse.blogspot.com/p/meetings-events.html
Roping Show
Saturday, April 8 8:30am/8:00pm Registration
Pinkerton House - 39533 N Kenworthy Rd, San Tan Valley, AZ
Pre-Registration Required – Click for Entry Form Registration 8:00 am Roping clinic starts at 8:30 am Roping show starts at 10:00 am Fees
standard show fees, dependent on sponsor level
$15 fee for roping clinic
$10 cattle fee if advanced *** please indicate if you need a roping partner