Friday, July 31, 2020

Annual HAC meeting- change of location (now virtual)

We originally hoped to be meeting in person but due to COVID-19 we still have some important safety measures in place. You all should of been notified via email from 4-H of the phase approach that they will take beginning August 19th. We know that we won't be able to meet in person on the 22nd so we are moving our annual meeting to a virtual one. 

We hope you all still will attend! 

We will be electing new board members. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Member at Large, back up Member at Large (only for voting), and minimum of 2 youth representatives. We do require board members to be certified leaders or in the process of certification with the 4-H office. 

The new board will then review and approve proposed rule changes, budget decisions, show planning. If you are wanting to come be a part of this great group and help make the season great for our youth horse members then come join us. 

Please see the calendar on the blog for more details 

When: Saturday, August 22nd 10am-12pm

Dial by your location
        +1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix)

meeting id: 499 859 2923

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Record Book - deadline is Friday

Please do not forget that if you qualified for the state horse show you must turn in a record book!

The deadline to submit is Friday, July 17th.

Leaders please be sure you have been communicating this information to your members.

Email record books to Maria.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Last Chance


Our Pinal County horse rule book is developed as guidelines for our county horse program and does not take the place of the current Arizona State 4-H Horse Show Rules set forth by the State 4-H Advisory Committee. 

If you would like to propose a rule change for PINAL COUNTY, please submit them in writing, to the Pinal County HAC rule book committee at the email listed below.  Proposed changes will be discussed and voted on at the August meeting.

·         Link to State rule book:  Click here                            
·         2019-2020 Pinal County rule book: Click here
·         Email proposed new rule changes for the Pinal County rule book to:         

·         Proposed changes are due by July 15, 2020 at 5:00 pm
If you have any questions please let us know.

Pinal County Horse Advisory Committee