Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Record Book- reminder

We want to remind all of our state horse show qualifiers that record books are due by July 17th.
Don't delay and get them turned in to the 4-H office in time!!  Here is the link to where you can find the paperwork needed.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Project Record Book Workshop

Need help getting started on your project record book? 

Join Amy Dillard for an online workshop on Friday, 6/5/2020 @ 1pm (See link below)

Items Needed

  • Download your project recordbook (AND SAVE IT where you can find it on your computer)
  • Calendar or planner from October 2019-June 2020
  • Any receipts you have saved from purchases you have made for project (Feed, grooming products, vet bills, farrier bills, boarding, lessons, tack, etc)  Don't worry if you don't have these.
  • Post-it notes
Click the Web Ex link to join the meeting on Friday.