Annual Pinal County HAC (Horse Advisory Committee) Meeting
Date: Saturday, August 25th, 2018
Location: Pinal County Cooperative Extension Office
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, light refreshments will be served
Did you know that Arizona has a $1.6 billion horse industry? In Pinal County, we take our horsing around seriously...serious learning, serious futures in equine, serious experiences and serious fun! Join us for our Annual HAC (Horse Advisory Committee) to learn more about the horse projects across Pinal County and Arizona. Become involved by joining the committee as an adult or youth member. It's a great time to revamp the program into exactly what we want in Pinal County!
*The current county rules say each club planning to attend county wide shows must have at least one adult and one youth member at HAC meetings. It's a great time for a fresh start!
The first 15-20 minutes of the meeting we will have awards for the 2017-2018 season!
The first 15-20 minutes of the meeting we will have awards for the 2017-2018 season!